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/ Windows 95 4,000 Fonts / More Than 4,000 Fonts for Windows 95.iso / c / chasline.ttf (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1996-03-25  |  44KB
Labels: barrier reef | sky
OCR: abedatahihl. AACDEFTHIJHL MTOPOASTUUIXYZ 68/95hE210 * []. /NII><= TL. th brawn fax Jum ps ouer the lazy -6ap The brown fox jumps ouer the fiz[ dog. The quick brown fox jum ps ouer the fizel -6op The quick brown fox jum ps over the lazy -6op The quick brown fox jum ps ouer the lazy 6op The quick brown fox jum ps ouer the lazy 6op AACOFTTHLJH fizey